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Sharon, I calculate it will be 28 and a half inches by 22 and a quarter. Add framing allowance to fabric = 35 inch by 28 inch, but obviously check first.
28 count over two is the same as 14 count aida.
if you did it over one on the 28 count it would be about 14 and a quarter by 11 and a quarter (roughly)plus framing allowance.

I just ordered this pattern - fell right in love with it. I have several others on the go, so I will probably switch out from time to time. I'v got a few of their patterns - I'd have to live to be 200 to complete all my patterns. Maybe I'm a collector? :-) Can anyone figure out how much bigger it would actually be using over 2 on 28 count? I'll have to ask my cross-stitch shop anyway to get the fabric

Heaven and Earth designs can be stitched on 14 count, they just turn out a lot larger and of course you'd need more strands for good coverage - and a big wall that you can step well back from. Many stitchers do them on 18 count so that they are not too large but a bit easier to see. I use a lit up magnifier, the sort you look through, to stitch with one strand on 28 count normally but the above example is 2 strands on 22 count. If you haven't already joined, the Heaven and Earth Designs message board has an absolute wealth of information and lots of examples.
By the way, I posted a picture of the pattern, spread out - http://www.morecambesands.com/morecambe/2010/04/a-long-winters-nap-1.html

Hi I am thinking of buying this cross stitch but like comments on how hard it is - I wouldn't be able to stitch on count 25 so could it be done say on 14 count?

Love to hear from anyone.


Wonderful job, the head is so beautiful in detail. wonderful

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