Have you come across the problem of photos that will not transfer onto your memory card, so that you can put them into your digital photo frame? How infuriating is that error message? Well, I have done battle with my daughter’s digital photo frame and arrived at a solution, which worked for me. I re-formatted the memory card from “FAT” to “FAT32” and the photos trundled onto it in their thousands. I offer this solution to those of you who may have been tearing their hair out over similar Christmas gifts. You may also wonder why you can’t get your own music to play on the digital frame, it is because you may need to convert it to mp3, if it is from your itunes it will be in mpeg4. I didn’t bother downloading a converter tool, just changed the settings on itunes to import as mp3, ripped a cd and put the songs on the memory card and thus the frame. If you follow these tips, one, remember that re-formatting a memory card erases anything already on it and two, remember to put your itunes importing option back to your preference. My Daughter thinks I am a genius, though she's not too chuffed with my choice of test music.
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