Still the de-cluttering goes on. During the summer's massive de-clutter session we filled two skips with items that were not fit for charity shops. I did take plenty of things to the charity shops but why on earth had we hung on to two skip fulls of things that, in the end, were not even good enough to give away for free?
I made an attempt at de-cluttering some of my books. Some of them I released on BookCrossing and some I registered on Read It Swap It but of course swapping doesn't reduce the quantity as you exchange one book for another. Most of the books in piles that I had designated to give away seemed, somehow, by their own volition to make their way to new homes around the house or even back to their original shelf.
More recently I finally got around the thinning out my wardrobe. It sounds ridiculous but the wardrobe was packed so tightly with clothes that I actually had nothing to wear because everything was crumpled with the crushing or was not my current size. Don't most women have several sets of clothes in different sizes that sometimes fit and sometimes don't? Or is it just me? Anyway, I decided to try absolutely everything on and store, give away or dispose of anything else. Somehow I gathered an audience to this endeavor. My Daughter parked herself on the bed and chortled every time something didn't fit - so that was a lot of chortling - all the time trying to snag my purple shoes that she covets. It was revealed to me that I now probably have more pairs of pyjamas to wear than actual clothes. My Daughter was amused that I actually hang my pyjamas in the wardrobe and kept calling me Mr. Monk. The cat just made herself comfy in a storage box.