Years ago I worked at Hornsea Pottery in Lancaster, when it was an actual pottery and leisure park. The pottery has gone but the site is still a leisure site and antiques market. At the time I worked there I was into patchwork quilting and when we were all made redundant and most things were being stripped out I must have salvaged a box of "rare breeds" leaflets to use as patchwork papers. They have lain in the attic for all these years, forgotten about until now. I was very strong with myself and have put them in to the paper recycling box - I never did finish my patchwork quilt and I don't see myself getting time to do so anytime soon. I realise that all this hanging on to things is a type of fantasy. An imagined "maybe one day" world where I will have time to read all those books, paint all those pictures, sew all those quilts, stitch all that cross stitch and knit all those jumpers. I reasoned with myself that if I ever did have a need for some patchwork papers there will be plenty of paper about and why risk using some that might transfer ink. If you want to read the leaflet in more detail (fellow Hornsea Potters, you know you want to) click the images.