Occasionally I get very itchy patches on my fingers, so itchy sometimes they bleed. In the course of trying to find out what triggers the attacks I learnt that I was allergic to nickel, so I always use gold sewing needles. More recently I discovered that the new fashion for pens with soft grip barrels triggered a rash, so I hoard pens and pencils at work that I don't react to and keep them squirrelled away in a pencil case so that no one takes them and no dust settles on them overnight. The warehouse next door to my office houses various chemicals and I figured that a certain amount probably finds its way into the general everyday dust in the office.I always use baby wipes to clean my desk etc. with as its more convenient than putting gloves on, wetting a cloth and so on whilst still answering the phone which is guaranteed to ring as soon as your hands are wet. I know there are wet dusting wipes available but I use baby wipes because I don't want to trigger the itchy rash. Now I find that there are all sorts of cleaning uses for baby products - Cleaning with baby products. I was particularly interested to learn that you can use baby oil to clean chrome as my new bathroom has many chrome fixtures and fittings and I've become a bit obsessed with only using the mildest soap to clean with in there for fear of damaging any surfaces. Not a bad thing but its always nice to have alternatives for that extra sparkle.