The Yarn Harlot gave out some tips today on her site. One of them, about the family ignoring a mess on the floor, reminds me that I am turning into my Sister....
There are a few years in age between us and when I was in my early teens my Sister was raising her family. One day I was visiting and went upstairs to use the bathroom and came across a fork, just lying on the landing, right at the top of the stairs. Being the conscientious teenager I was I picked it up and took it to the kitchen. She instructed me to put it back exactly where I had found it because her kids and Husband had been stepping past the fork for months and she was waiting to see if they ever picked it up. Now here's where I am turning into my Sister, there has been a spoon on my kitchen floor for over a week now. You can't miss it, it is a plastic picnic spoon, bright white. Not only is it still there but it has been joined by another!