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Oh and the King Cole is 180m per 50g ball....thought that bit of info might help with a substitution

Cathy, I couldn't find your e-mail address on your site so I am leaving an answer here.
The jumper is knitted in a 4 ply 100% merino blend (King Cole anti tickle) and the instructions say it uses 10 x 50g balls for the smallest size (32-34inch bust) going up a ball at a time for every 2 sizes up to 13 balls for 42-44. The colour is described as Linden. The tension is 33 sts and 35 rows to 10cm using 3.75mm needles over the plaited cable AFTER washing.
Hope this helps.

Hopefully you get email when people comment since this is such an old posting, but, could you tell me how much yarn (yds/meters) it takes to make that cabled sweater? I've ordered a copy of the magazine, but I've got a couple opportunities to get some suitable yarn for it right now but don't have a clue how much I'll need.

Thanks for your help...Cathy

I don't remember seeing that magazine but I'll have to look for it. That sweater sure is pretty.

Knitting magazine (a UK publication)has a good mixture of patterns from trendy bags, cushions, kids clothes, "how to" articles (including domino knitting one month much to my suprise)and articles on designers etc. to detailed jumpers as above. It first came out bi monthly but now it is monthly and still just as good. Sometimes magazines seem "watered down" when they jump to a more frequent publication but I think this one has got better.

Oooh, I love that pattern! Can you tell me more about this Knitting Magazine? Does it regularly have such nice jumpers?

...should that read 'spoilt'?! I'm not sure now...

It is a pretty sweater, isn't it? As for the range of colours in the King Cole - talk about spoiled for choice!

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